Wednesday, March 26, 2008

BBB...Bigfoot Updates!

We recently updated Our Bigfoot with some pretty cool stuff.

First off, we added a dang lengthy explanation as to the history of and what it is all about. You can find it all here at: Bigfoot Story

Secondly, Sarah sent us some intriguing pictures of a rather large footprint that was in her Ohio backyard. Was it evidence of a Bigfoot footprint? Take a look...

Finally, we were sent an article link about Mormons & Bigfoot from Destiny. You will want to read this article, as it correlates Cain of the Bible with Bigfoot...what? Yep, believe it.

Oh, we should mention before we go, that the WV Bigfoot mystery is solved. A relative of one of the owners of the cabin contacted us with what the sighting was...updates are on the page. You'll have to read it there...'cause this blog is keeping that secret from you!